
Is mobile learning the future?


Is mobile learning the future?

Mobile devices become an integral part of our life, with the average person picking up the phone 58 times daily. This type of constant connectivity has made mobile learning extremely popular; many modern students just prefer it. Using your phone isn't antisocial, and some research even demonstrates that nearly half of the learners use mobile devices for education before bed.

Combined with the trend, which has already translated into the normal classroom where teachers and students use smartphones as part of learning, it is easy to see that mobile learning in education will continue this upwards trend.

Growth Engineering has seen the benefits of mobile learning; this is reflected in a company with strong regard for it. They know that modern learners are busy and need flexible training solutions — where mobile learning steps right in, fitting perfectly into the definition. Looking ahead, therefore, what does the future look like for mobile learning?

Indeed, to answer this very question, elaborate research and consultations from experts have been made, offering insight into the exciting future of mobile learning.

What is Mobile Learning? 

Mobile learning refers simply to any form of learning on a mobile device, whether a smartphone or a tablet. It unshackled the learning process from being slaved to a desktop and allowed learners to take the learning anywhere, anytime. 

There are basically two ways to learn on mobile: 

Responsive Websites: MOR access through websites that respond to the screen size of the device, that it is operating on. It can be an LMS with a mobile-friendly design. Mobile Apps: Access learning through dedicated apps downloaded on mobile devices. In most cases, the apps use phone features such as cameras, microphones, or even GPS for interactive learning activities. 

Today, dedicated learning apps are gaining traction, and about 67 percent of firms have had their integration into the company's training programs. The effectiveness of mobile learning can be viewed through the impressive statistics as follows: It increases productivity by 43%. Again, it increases motivation; 70 percent of learners reported they were more motivated. Course completion rates are faster by 45 percent compared to laptops. In addition, 64 percent of students described mobile access as 'essential' to their progress. 

Better Engagement: Mobile learning may hint at making a 72% increase in engagement level. 

The future apparently looks bright for mobile learning. Younger generations are already dependent upon mobile devices in using them for learning purposes, and smartphones are increasingly being used across the world; hence, mobile learning is very well poised to become the dominant mode of learning within the grasps of time. 

Key Features That Drive the Power of Mobile Learning

Several features make mobile learning quite convenient, flexible, and engaging. While specific features vary between platforms, here are some common elements:

Microlearning Units: Keeping in mind that the average user sessions are of a short duration on any mobile device—70% under two minutes—mobile learning is often designed with the application of microlearning. This approach breaks down content into easily digestible chunks and applies spaced repetition to improve knowledge retention.

Social Features: Drawing from the mobile device's very social nature, a great number of platforms have integrated social learning features. These could be in the form of social feeds, comment sections, team-based challenges, and more—all designed to drive home bonding among learners.

Game Mechanics: To further engage learners, many mobile learning platforms incorporate elements of game mechanics. These include points, badges, levels, and leaderboards that help tap intrinsic motivation and make the experience of learning more rewarding and pleasurable.

Online/Offline Sync: This critical feature solves the problems associated with connectivity. When one is online, he can download the content and view it while traveling or in areas with bad connectivity. Progress is then synced when your device reconnects.

In this way, the features reflect how mobile learning really serves modern-day learners. The future definitely holds more, out of which newer innovative features shall come up to further enhance mobile learning through evolving mobile technology.

Virtual and Augmented Reality in Mobile Learning: The Next Frontier

With the mobile learning market projected to be valued at $55 billion by 2026, what's surprising is that the market seems to explode. With increasingly wider access to inexpensively priced mobile devices around the world, growth trends are inevitable through this channel. As adoption increases, so does interest in making mobile learning more engaging and effective, thus driving up demand for virtual reality and augmented reality applications in the space.

Virtual Reality (VR)

Corollary, VR makes use of technological means to attain the simulated immersion. In only the recent few years, VR has taken paramount strides in mobile learning and offers huge potential tools for extended learning experiences.

Example: The Anatomyou VR mobile application allows one to learn about human anatomy in 3D through navigation, hence providing an immersive way into the intricacies of the human body.

Research proves the effectiveness of VR in learning; it has been shown to increase memory retention compared to traditional text-based methods.

Despite all this potential, high development costs—up to $200,000 for a fully immersive experience—are one of the major adoption barriers to VR apps. With 90% of learners wanting their employer to provide them with VR training, demand exists, and the need for future development and reduced cost will be required to push through the full potential of VR in mobile learning.

Augmented Reality: Connecting Real and Virtual Learning

Whereas completely digital worlds are created for learners through virtual reality, augmented reality enhances reality with digital properties. Consider Google Translate, which instantly translates text when viewed through the lens of your phone. That's augmented reality at work.

AR for Interactive Learning and Epic Meaning

In mobile learning, AR provides for highly interactive experiences. For instance, learners could go on virtual "quests" whereby they have to take their mobile devices to find and do something with a number of objects in the real world. This will not only increase engagement but also create the possibility for developing training scenarios that are full of "Epic Meaning"—linking learning to real-world application and purpose.

Established Advantages of AR in Education

Studies confirm that the integration of AR into mobile learning demonstrates measurable improvements in short- and long-term learning outcomes.

Applications in Practice and Impact

Imagine using AR totag equipment virtually in the workplace, so that workers get instant access to information, guides for troubleshooting, or training materials right at their fingertips and precisely when they may need them. This kind of application can dramatically reduce service resolution time by up to 40% while boosting productivity by 30%.

Actually, AR can revolutionize mobile learning across industries by seamlessly merging digital content with the real world.

Wearable Technology: The Future of Hands-on Learning

With the rising popularity of wearable technology, opportunities for mobile learning suddenly opened up. As one can expect, L&D teams will surely continue to include wearables in their training programs, allowing truly new levels of interactivity and real-world application.

Porsche: A Fine Case of Wearable Tech in Action

Porsche has introduced AR glasses into technician training. Step-by-step instructions are beamed onto the glasses, so remote workers can see precisely what the technician does in real-time. This use of wearable technology combined with augmented reality enhances the following factors: Instant Feedback: Immediate guidance is given by experts, regardless of place. Geographical Barriers: The use shatters geographical barriers, allowing colleagues greater ability for teamwork and knowledge sharing. Impact on Organizational Culture and Engagement

The combination of frequent feedback with improved social connectivity through wearable technology strongly influences company culture. Research shows 68% of employees are more satisfied at work if they receive frequent feedback.

Depending on how wearable technology evolves and the affordability niveau it reaches, the role it will play in the future of mobile learning can only grow.

NFC: Informal Onslaught

NFC (Near Field Communication) technology, implemented in contactless payment (example, Apple Pay), is soon going to feature predominantly on the m-learning scene, especially in supporting informal learning.

Sharing Information without the Hassle of Making Payments Just Yet…

NFC already exceeds a market of $25.5 billion and transcends mere payments alone. Its mastery over the wireless data transfer between devices in close proximity makes it apt for activities ranging from file sharing to location transfer.

A Natural Fit for Knowledge Sharing

While not a core element of formal L&D programs just yet!, NFC's ease of use makes it a natural fit for fostering informal learning and knowledge sharing within organizations. Imagine a future where colleagues simply tap their phones—information, tips, and best practices exchanged.

 The Power of Informal Learning

Informal learning, if done correctly, may unlock great value for businesses. A study shows that Fortune 500 firms could save more than $31.5 billion every year by increasing knowledge sharing and preventing the outflow of valuable intellectual capital.

NFC, then, with its possible ease in information exchange and intuitiveness, could just be the game-changer here in developing a vibrant culture of informal learning.

Social Learning: A Mobile Mainstay

Social learning is the process through which human beings learn from one another through interaction and observation. Already, it is one of the most integral aspects of mobile learning and is only set to become more integral in the future. Mobile apps will provide just the right platform to tap into the power of social learning and derive its benefits, from better communication to collaboration.

Growth Engineering Learning App: Case in Point

The Growth Engineering Learning App is an excellent example of how social features enhance the learning experience. Engaging features, like Live Chat and social streams, facilitate communication, foster trust among peers, and even deliver productivity gains of as high as 50% and engagement of up to 76%.

Seamless Integration for Enhanced Social Learning

The future of social mobile learning will be marked by seamless integration of apps. Imagine:

Effortless Scheduling: Add classroom-based courses to your calendar app from within your learning platform.

Share on Social Media: Share engaging learning content across a multitude of social media channels with just one tap.

Utilizing Device Features for a More Engaging Experience

Future mobile learning platforms will also realize the full potential of device-native features. Take "Clubs Live," which learners can use to utilize cameras and microphones to live stream content, opening up a much more immersive and interactive learning environment.

Developments such as these therefore indicate that prospects are getting brighter in relation to social mobile learning, hugely promising a future where sharing knowledge and collaboration become more engaging and accessible than ever before.

Digital assistants like Siri and Cortana are also quickening the pace of learning in how we interact with technology in our everyday lives. This technology is also wholly going to transform mobile learning. It will become swift and personal.

Convenience with Voice-Enable for Learners

Imagine the kind of things you could do:

"Download the latest Health & Safety module" – Get instant access to training materials offline, anywhere, anytime.

"Get my test scores for the last month" – Quick performance updates and tracking of progress become easy.

Voice Assistants – A Futuristic Development

With over 3.5 billion people currently using voice assistants, and projections that indicate close to a staggering 8.4 billion voice-enabled devices by 2024, which is above the global population!, there is no denying their impact in the realm of mobile learning.

Not Replacing, but Empowering Learning Managers: Virtual Assistants

While not substituting human learning managers in any manner, virtual assistants will make a number of administrative tasks considerably easier. This will allow more time for L&D professionals to participate in strategic activities, including designing creative learning experiences and promoting learner engagement.

Voice assistants' integration into mobile learning platforms shows great prospects for the future in providing an accessible, personalized, and effective learning experience.

Microlearning: The Bite-Sized Solution for Mobile Learning

In today's digital, attention-span-scarce world, mobile learning apps fight for space amidst tough competition. This is where microlearning steps in—the delivery of impactful learning experiences in easily digestible, bite-sized pieces.

Microlearning: The Best of Both Worlds—Learners and Organizations

Quicker Creation and Consumption of Content: The process of developing and consuming microlearning is faster and more effective for both the L&D professional and the learner.

Capturing Attention in a Distracted World

Attention spans are growing shorter and shorter with today's modern learner. The trend has been accelerated with the explosion of many digital-related distractions. Microlearning takes this challenge head-on with focused content designed to capture learner attention within that critical 5-10 second window.

Effectiveness Backed by Science

Beyond mere convenience, microlearning is in line with the way our brains learn best. Information is digested much better in small chunks, as it improves focus and leads to up to 80% more knowledge retention.

Effectiveness, efficiency, and learner-centeredness make microlearning a perfect fit for formal and informal learning using mobile devices.

The Future of Mobile Learning: Personalized, Intelligent, and Gamified

Even though mobile learning is already powerful, further exciting developments are under way in the near future. A look into what's soon to come:

Machine Learning: Personalization and Automation

Machine learning, a subset of AI, will raise mobile learning several notches higher. Envision:

Personalized Content Recommendations: ML algorithms that analyze learner data to recommend relevant content.

Automated Expert Connections: It connects automatically a learner to subject matter experts who can adequately address his/her needs.

Dynamic SME Identification: Identification of the top practitioners within specialized areas and tagging them as SMEs will encourage knowledge sharing and collaboration.

These features, proponent of ML capabilities, would improve learning personalization and increase productivity further due to better communication and knowledge flow.

Gamification is already a very effective tool in mobile learning, and its role will further increase. This includes the following:

Immersive Learning with VR: Implementing VR into mobile learning games to create engaging experiences and enhance knowledge transfer while simulating real-world scenarios.

Collaborative Learning through Multiplayer Games: allows for teamwork and friendly competition while learning meaningful skills.

Examples like InCell VR present an instance of the learning potential of such immersive, game-based learning. Seamless Connectivity and Enhanced Communication

Future mobile learning will be characterized by seamless connectivity brought about by advanced 5G, facilitating smoother multiplayer gaming and real-time collaboration.

Final Thoughts: A Bright Future Awaits

The Future of Mobile Learning is promising. At the very least, the advances described above will produce more tailored, engaging, and efficient learning experiences that empower the learner and organization at large. But as mobile technology expands, the mobile component will only increasingly be central to how we learn and grow.

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