
Here are 10 suggestions to guarantee that you consistently adhere to your cybersecurity standards.

Others have implemented enterprise-wide cybersecurity platforms, which safeguard businesses from detrimental or malicious online thing. If your company has existing solid practices in place that employees must adhere to concerning cybersecurity, then you are on very good footing.

So how do you make sure your workforce is abiding by these cybersecurity policies at all times?

The Compliance Problem

This includes certain cyber security measures where human presence for intervention is not required, other than the initial configuration and routine observation by specialists. For example, they may not require your employees to work through these systems but the installation of a firewall and VPN can be beneficial.

The problem is primarily in the security practices that everyone is supposed to follow. All it takes is one employee at your company to slip up and let a vulnerability be exploited for the whole house of cards in the system you are operating upon to come crashing down.

This problem can be solved by creating strong cybersecurity principles that every employee will comply with. From there, enforcing new policies and cultural changes will increase the odds of ensuring all staff members remain complicit.

How to ensure that your cybersecurity standards are always followed High-Quality Icon

Here are some good ways to ensure the steady application of your cybersecurity protocols:

  • 1. Hardwire some of your protocols. As far as possible, design cyber security standards and products that remove so much as the possibility of voluntary employee participation. For instance, institute an automated update for all employees' devices to obviate the need to consider whether or not employees could deliberately avoid these updates.
  • 2. Controls at the user role, account, and permission levels let you set constrained access to confidential data. Remember to allow only users associated with your business accounts to have the least possible access. This is one of the precautions that drastically limit the breaching party's access to your systems in case there is a breach.
  • 3. Make the rules easy to comprehend. Not everyone can understand cybersecurity because there are others who do not even know how to operate simple computer functionalities. For your cybersecurity rules to be adhered to at all times, such rules should be simple to understand. It can be simplified through the use of an understandable explanation, metaphors, or examples to have a great understanding.

  • 4. Allow for the holding of seminars and workshops: This has already been used to mean that as much as a memo to all members of the organization is good, it might not be very effective. Additional methods of improving employee compliance to cybersecurity issues are through the holding of seminars and workshops where the individual employee can be reached out to and his extent of understanding ensured.

  • 5. Invite questions: Cybersecurity should never become a one-way talk. Rather, it shall be an exchange. It is best to accept and answer employee questions. If someone has a doubt on something or if somebody is unclear about something, it is best to be in the know so that necessary steps could be taken in enlightening that confusion.

  • 6. It is useful to test, from time to time, whether the indications your employees show will actually be followed by action. In this case, you can use penetration tests by subtly putting workers in a position in which willingness to disclose login information can be tested, or to trust something that by its nature is untrustworthy.

  • 7. Offer continuous education. Cybersecurity standards are changing day in day out. As much as hackers get access to new motivations and tools. It is therefore instrumental that your employees get continuous education. It is important to at least receive training and updates once a year. Be sure to intersperse some of the old material with the new one.
  • 8. Reward the Responsible: The workers need to be encouraged on acting in a responsible way and keeping an organization safe. Show appreciation to people who abide by your cyber security principles by recognizing them in public.

  • 9. Correct problems as they happen. If you come across anyone, willfully or unknowingly breaching those cyber security tenants, do so in private. Most of the time, this is addressed just by talking the issue through and clearing the air. However, the most serious measures would require the most serious disciplinary actions, especially the recurring violations.

  • 10 This means that when it comes to improving your cybersecurity, you really should listen out for, and pay heed to, the feedback from your workforce. They can provide you with valuable input in terms of whether your recommendations and policies are clear and understandable and are workable in practice. If you keep getting negative feedback on the issue of applying your cybersecurity standards  then build that feedback into your system

Even after you execute all of the above plans, some of your employees may still disregard your cybersecurity policies. The bad news is that your options to do anything about this are limited. If your employees are just not becoming compliant after all the trainings, education, disciplinary actions, and coaching, maybe it is time for you to make a more difficult choice. You simply can't afford to needlessly increase the level of your vulnerabilities where security is concerned for your business.

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